We specialize in one-on-one therapy.
NILD Therapy
Our goal is to develop successful, independent learners. NILD Educational Therapy® focuses on developing four key components – cognition, perception, academics and emotions. The focus of the individualized intervention is to strengthen the underlying causes of learning difficulties rather than simply treating the symptoms. NILD educational therapy is a true therapy in that it aims the intervention just above the student’s level of functioning and raises expectations for performance. Students in NILD Educational Therapy® receive individual intensive intervention. These sessions include a variety of techniques designed to address students’ specific areas of difficulty and to improve their overall ability to think, reason, and process information. Techniques emphasize basic skill areas such as reading, writing, spelling and math, and applying reasoning skills within each area. Students work with educational therapists, who are trained specifically in NILD methodology and receive on-going graduate level training leading to NILD certification. Regular collaboration between the educational therapist, parents and classroom teachers is encouraged in order to assess progress and appropriately adjust educational programs for each student.
How is NILD Therapy different than tutoring?
The focus of NILD Educational Therapy® is the development of clear, efficient thinking. Students are given learning tools to enable them to overcome specific learning weaknesses. Tutoring typically focuses on content while educational therapy builds efficient learning processes while developing skills. This enables students to retain the content more efficiently and effectively. NILD Educational Therapy® teaches students how to think rather than teaching them what to think.